What to expect : Physical Therapy
A physical therapist can help treat patients in all stages of recovery, from initial identification through the healing and preventative phases of recovery. Physical therapy could be a standalone alternative, or it might encourage different therapies.
Some patients have been referred to a physical therapist by their own physician, but other’s search treatment themselves.
Whichever way a patient visits a physical therapist, they could expect to:
- Undergo a physical examination and analysis, such as a health history and particular testing procedures, such as analysis of posture, flexibility and movement, as well as joint and muscle movement and functionality
- Get a clinical diagnosis, prognosis, plan of care and short and long-term goals
- Get physical therapy intervention and treatment based on the therapist’s test and analysis
- Get self-management recommendations
Patients frequently consult with a physical therapist about exercises they can do at home, so they can recover more efficiently.
Call us @ (718) 275-4700 to speak with a physical therapist